Apostle James Stanley Prothro is the dynamic, inspirational, Holy Ghost filled pastor of Free Gospel Interdenominational Church. Being validated by God to work in the ministry, Apostle Prothro has become not only a fine local pastor, but an overseer and founder of a growing network of ministries, including Firstfruit Interdenominational Ministries and Fountain of the Lamb Interdenominational Ministries. Apostle Prothro is a renowned author, international evangelist, and trainer of ministers and pastors, whose focus is on character development.
Among the more striking features of the ministry of Apostle Prothro is his innate ability to reach out to the youth of this society. He is a certified chaplain for the Fulton County jail, Atlanta, Georgia, which has gained him access into the prison system to minister the Word of God. He has established diligent works throughout several prisons in Georgia. He has led bible studies at Emory University, Georgia State University, Clark College, and West Georgia College. He has spearheaded and supported ministries at hospitals and missions.
Recognized by many as “The Robot Man”, Apostle Prothro has ministered to thousands through his powerful television broadcast, God Can - God Will Ministries, aired on stations throughout the state of Georgia and abroad.
The founder of Robot Publishing Company, Apostle Prothro has become renowned for his writings, which include the books: Man, God’s Robot; Apostles: The Missing Link of the Five-Fold Ministry; Water for Dry Seasons; Slices from the Loaf of Wisdom – Menus I and II; It’s a Thin Line; and Maxims and Reflections.